What is the best ointment for muscle pain?

What is the best ointment for muscle pain?

Do you suffer from muscle pain? Do you experience stiffness, difficulty moving and discomfort after exercise, a long day at work or even due to bad posture? If the answer is yes, you’re not alone.


This type of pain is quite common and can be caused by various factors, such as injury, fatigue or inflammation. Fortunately, there are several options for muscle pain ointments to help you recover more quickly. But among the many options available on the market, which one is best for you?


In this article, we’ll explore the topic of muscle pain, from its causes and symptoms to the best methods of treatment.


What are muscle pains and what causes them?

Muscle pain, also known as myalgia, is characterised by discomfort, stiffness, inflammation and difficulty moving the muscles.


Some of the most common causes are:


  • Physical exercise: During exercise, muscle fibres suffer small injuries that can cause pain and inflammation, especially in less active people or after intense training.
  • Injuries: Sprains, strains and muscle tears can cause acute and intense pain, as well as bruising and swelling.
  • Bad posture: Spending long hours sitting with poor posture can cause muscle tension and pain, especially in the back and neck.
  • Other causes: Autoimmune diseases, arthritis, fibromyalgia and even stress can contribute to the development of muscle pain.


How to treat muscle pain?

Treatment for muscle pain varies depending on the cause and severity of the pain. However, there are various approaches that can help relieve symptoms and promote recovery:


  • Rest: Rest is what allows the muscles to recover. Avoid activities that cause pain and give your body time to heal.
  • Ice and heat: Applying ice can help reduce inflammation and swelling in the first 48 hours after the injury. After this period, heat can be applied to relax the muscles and relieve pain.
  • Stretching: Keeping your muscles stretched can help improve flexibility, reduce muscle stiffness and prevent further pain.
  • NSAIDs: Analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, can be used to relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Ointments and balms: They can be an effective option for localised muscle pain relief.


Qual é a melhor pomada para as dores musculares?

The best ointment for muscle pain depends on your needs and personal preferences. However, the CBD balm from Cannbliss stands out as a natural and effective option for relieving pain and promoting well-being.


This product for topical application (on the skin) is made from natural ingredientswhich act synergistically to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and promote muscle recovery.



  • Hemp oil (CBD);
  • Peppermint;
  • Eucalyptus oil:
  • Catnip oil;
  • Cajeput oil (melaleuca leucadendron).


How to apply Muscle Balm?

To make the most of its benefits, follow this step-by-step guide:

  1. Clean and dry where it hurts;
  2. Apply a small amount of the balm to the desired area;
  3. Gently massage into the skin until completely absorbed;
  4. Repeat the application 2-3 times a day, or as required.


Once the product has arrived, don’t forget to wash your hands and avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.


In case of skin discomfort or irritation, which may be redness or a change in colour, stop use immediately. If you have applied it, remove the product from your skin with warm water and soap.


If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or suspect an allergy, seek advice from your family doctor.


Where to buy?

Muscle pain doesn’t have to be an obstacle to your well-being. In Hemp Muscle Balm 500mg from Cannbliss, you’ll find the natural and effective solution you need to relieve pain and promote muscle recovery.


Buy yours now at Cannbliss Store!

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