Hemp oil (CBD) to reduce stress and anxiety

Hemp Oil (CBD) to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are a natural response of the human brain to situations of doubt or uncertainty. It’s normal to feel anxious before a test, job interview or public presentation.


However, in situations where this mental state doesn’t pass over time, it can be a cause for concern. Stress and anxiety, when excessive and persistent, become debilitating conditions and affect people’s quality of life.


Fortunately, there are several treatment options for managing these symptoms. One of the most popular and effective alternatives is the use of Hemp oil with CBD.


What is stress and anxiety?

Although many people associate them with the same thing, stress and anxiety are quite different:


  • Stress is the body’s immediate response to pressure situations, i.e. it happens in the moment;
  • Anxiety, on the other hand, can be considered a prolonged state of stress.


While everyday stress can be effectively managed through time management and relaxation techniques, anxiety, in particular Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), is more complex and may require medical intervention.


What are the main 6 symptoms of GAD?

To diagnose GAD, anxiety must persist for more than 6 months and be accompanied by 3 of these 6 symptoms:


  • Agitation and constant nervousness that affects the ability to relax.
  • Fatigue, even without exercise.
  • Muscle tension that results in pain in the area or throughout the body.
  • Difficulties concentrating, which can jeopardise performance at work/study.
  • Irritability often extended to trivial situations.
  • Sleep disorders, particularly difficulty falling asleep.


How are stress and anxiety traditionally treated?

There are various methods that can be considered to treat stress and anxiety. In the most severe cases, patients resort to psychological methods – such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) or relaxation techniques – or medication.


However, the majority end up choosing drugs over natural therapies or methods. Although they are immediately effective, they are not without side effects and can be addictive.


What’s more, dependence on medication can impair the body’s ability to deal with stress and anxiety on its own.


CBD for stress and anxiety: can it help?

The medical and scientific community has been studying the effects of CBD for some time, with promising results. CBD is one of several cannabinoids found in the hemp plant and, unlike THC, has no psychoactive effects. It can therefore be used freely and without restriction.


At Cannbliss, we have received positive feedback from customers who have used our CBD products to treat stress and anxiety. Many report a significant improvement in sleep quality and a greater capacity for relaxation.


Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

GAD is defined as continuous and excessive feelings of worry.


There are studies showing that, in both humans and animals, Hemp oil with CBD can help reduce anxiety. Although not definitive proof, many of these studies have shown promising results.


For example, researchers analysed the effects of CBD on stress levels in rats and observed a reduction in behavioural signs of anxiety, such as a decrease in heart rate and other stress indicators.


You can consult the study at the National Library of Medicine.


Other forms of anxiety

In addition to GAD, other forms of anxiety include:


  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD);
  • Social Anxiety Disorder;
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder;
  • Panic attacks.


These experiences are also very unpleasant and cause similar disruptions in quality of life, especially with regard to insomnia.



Anxiety is often associated with other conditions, such as depression. Because of CBD’s interaction with the Endocannabinoid System, a complex cellular system that regulates various functions in the body, including mood and stress levels.


Since stress is one of the main causes of depression, it is believed that CBD can help improve depressive symptoms.


How does CBD help with stress and anxiety?

Ingesting Hemp oil with CBD prolongs the duration of its effects on the body, which can contribute to a “calming effect”. When it works, it helps to balance the levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline – which are responsible for anxiety.


It can also stimulate the production of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters associated with feelings of well-being and happiness. This is how some people choose to manage their anxiety and depression with CBD.


How to use CBD for stress and anxiety?

Before taking any medication or food supplement, such as hemp oil, you should consult your doctor. They can help you determine the right dose for you and inform you about possible drug interactions.


As with any new addition to your diet, it’s important to start slowly. Starting with small amounts of CBD, especially if you’ve never consumed it before, is a good way to allow your body to adjust.


You can then gradually increase the dose until you find the right balance for you.


For more details, see the article: “Hemp oil: how to use it?”.


Does hemp oil (CBD) have side effects?

Although CBD is generally considered to have few or no side effects, some can still arise and should be noted.


Side effects vary from person to person; however, the most common include changes in appetite and diarrhoea. These tend to be felt more by those with less experience of using these products.


Another reason why side effects occur is due to the quality of the prescribed oil. Companies that sell CBD-based products must regularly undergo quality and safety tests on their products.


CBD to combat stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety are more than just passing states. These are complex mental health disorders that deteriorate the quality of life of millions of people.


In this paradigm, CBD has emerged as a natural, safe and effective alternative for dealing with these problems. In fact, many people have reported improvements in mental health and general well-being after incorporating our Hemp oil into their daily routine.


If you’re interested in finding out more about its benefits, we suggest reading the article: “Hemp Oil: Benefits“. And if you want to buy it, you can visit Cannbliss store.

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