CBD oil and hemp oil what's the difference?

CBD Oil and Hemp Oil – What’s the Difference?

If you’re looking for a natural option to improve your well-being and health, then you’ve probably heard of CBD oil and Hemp oil.

We often hear them talked about as if they were the same substance, but the truth is that there are fundamental differences between the two. Both are derived from the same plant, but from different parts and processes, which gives each unique characteristics.

Before we start exploring the differences between one and the other, we recommend reading the article: “The science behind CBD“; which provides an overview of its effects on the human body.

What is CBD oil?

CBD oil, or cannabidiol oil, comes from the leaves, flowers and stems of the Cannabis Sativa plant.

Recognised for its therapeutic and medicinal potential, it has been the focus of several scientific studies. These studies investigate how CBD can influence the Endocannabinoid System, which is fundamental for maintaining balance and well-being in our body.

An example of this research is a study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine that shows CBD’s ability to reduce inflammation and the discomfort associated with diseases such as arthritis.

It is important to distinguish, however, that unlike other compounds found in Cannabis Sativa, such as THC, CBD has no psychoactive effects. In other words, its consumption does not result in the “euphoric” sensation associated with Cannabis.

There are several common myths about CBD which can lead to misunderstandings and doubts about the product. However, it is legal in many countries and is increasingly being recognised by traditional medicine. Find out how to choose the best CBD oil for you!

What is Hemp Oil?

Hemp oil, on the other hand, is extracted from the seeds of the Cannabis Sativa plant and is rich in essential fatty acids, proteins and vitamins. Unlike CBD, it contains no active compounds from the plant and has no therapeutic properties.

However, hemp oil is often used as a food supplement and can have benefits for the skin and hair due to its moisturising properties. It is also a vegetable source of protein and can be used in vegan diets.

It’s important to note that hemp oil is not the same as CBD oil and should not be sold or consumed with the intention of obtaining the same therapeutic effects as CBD. That’s why you should always check the origin and ingredients of the product before buying it.

Differences between CBD Oil and Hemp Oil

As mentioned above, the main difference lies in the composition and extraction method. While CBD oil uses the whole plant, maximising the benefits of cannabinoids, hemp oil focuses on the seeds and their nutritional value.

In terms of medicinal and therapeutic uses, CBD oil is more sought after due to its higher concentration of cannabinoids. Hemp oil, on the other hand, is more commonly used as a food supplement and for skin care.

Another important aspect you should know about is the legislation and regulations in force in your country. In Portugal, for example, CBD is legal according to the law, as long as it contains less than 0.2 per cent THC.

Find out more about the legal framework through the official documents established by Decree-Law no. 15/93 (22 January) and Regulatory Decree no. 61/94 (11 October).

Benefits of CBD in Hemp Oil

The combination of the two can bring health benefits in many ways. For a better understanding, here’s a list of articles we’ve written on the subject:

Where to buy Hemp oil with CBD in Portugal?

Now that you understand the difference between CBD oil and hemp oil, you might be interested in giving it a try. In that case, Cannbliss has the best of both worlds to offer you!

Our oils are Full Spectrum, so they contain CBD in their composition. We believe that the combination of CBD with the other cannabinoids and terpenes present in hemp oil provides a more potent and beneficial effect on health.

What’s more, our products are produced in a 100 per cent organic and sustainable way, in accordance with the legal standards of the European Union. That’s why they are tested and ensured that they contain no more than 0.2 per cent THC.

Want to know more? Visit our shop, where you can buy hemp oil with CBD.

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