CBD hemp oil to sleep better and fight insomnia

CBD Hemp Oil to Sleep Better and Fight Insomnia

Sleep is one of the pillars of human existence. Better sleep allows us to rest, recover energy and regulate our body’s functions. However, many people face sleep disorders such as insomnia, difficulty falling asleep or waking up several times during the night.


The CBD, extracted from the Hemp plant, has become increasingly popular as a natural solution for improving sleep quality and combating insomnia.


Cases of insomnia in Portugal

According to thePortuguese Society of Pneumology, 52 per cent of Portuguese say they don’t sleep well; 75 per cent sleep less than 7 hours and 19 per cent sleep less than 6 hours a night.


In addition, 22 per cent of people reported taking more than 30 minutes to fall asleep, 44 per cent said they had already taken sleeping medication and 12.5 per cent took medication daily. Which isn’t a surprise, given that in 2023 Portugal had the 2nd highest consumption of insomnia medication in the world.


After the pandemic, the demand for help due to these disorders has doubled, but waiting lists can reach up to two years. Worrying? Absolutely. But the good news is that you don’t have to wait long to start sleeping better.


What are the main causes of insomnia and how can CBD help?

Poor sleep can be caused by various physical, mental and environmental factors, such as:


  • Pain and physical discomfort;
  • Stress, anxiety and depression;
  • Respiratory difficulties and allergies;
  • Drinking alcohol and coffee;
  • Some types of medication;
  • Excessive use of screens throughout the day;
  • Excessive noise or light.


Although research into CBD and insomnia is still in its infancy, some studies suggest that CBD can help reduce some of the physical and mental causes of sleep problems, such as pain, inflammation, stress and anxiety, and depression.


The benefits of CBD for better sleep

CBD is the most abundant compound in the Hemp plant, and many studies suggest that it may indirectly benefit sleep. In fact, CBD – which doesn’t have the psychoactive effect associated with THC – can help people with different sleep disorders.



Although sleepiness is a known effect of CBD, the results of studies using CBD to treat insomnia have been mixed. Animal studies indicate that efficacy may vary depending on the dose.


It follows that higher doses lead to longer sleep times, while lower doses allow you to fall asleep more quickly.


Stress and anxiety

Several studies have shown that, in both humans and animals, CBD can help reduce stress and anxiety to sleep better, as well as the disorders associated with them. Although more research is needed, the results look very promising.


Chronic pain

According to studies, CBD has the potential to relieve pain. The researchers found that by applying Hemp oil products (with CBD) to painful areas, study participants reported a reduction in pain and swelling associated with inflammation.


With regard to sleep, pain management is a crucial aspect to allow the body and mind to relax without worrying about the addictive or toxic effects of other analgesic substances.


Sleep apnoea

Some smaller studies have recorded positive results in the use of cannabinoids to treat sleep apnoea. Cannabinoids seem to prevent interruptions in breathing during sleep, as observed in animal studies. However, research on human beings is still at an early stage.


How does CBD work against insomnia?

The secret of CBD lies in its interaction with the Endocannabinoid System, which regulates various functions in the body, such as sleep and mood. By activating specific receptors in this system, CBD causes a series of reactions in the body, resulting in reduced stress, decreased pain and stimulated muscle relaxation.


How to use CBD to sleep better?

Before starting treatment with CBD, we advise you to consult your doctor for a personalised diagnosis and treatment. Although often undervalued, sleep disorders affect physical and mental health and may require a multidisciplinary approach.


Anyway, here’s a Q&A with the most frequently asked questions on this topic:


How many drops should I take?

The dosage of CBD for insomnia varies depending on the concentration of the product and the characteristics of the user:


  • If you’re just starting to incorporate Hemp oil into your routine, start with the lowest concentration (5% 1500 mg) and gradually increase it until you find the one that’s right for you;
  • Shake the bottle well before use. For best results, take 5 drops under the tongue and keep the liquid in your mouth for 1 minute before swallowing.


What is the best time to take it?

Hemp oil is typically taken in the morning and evening. The effects of CBD on the body last from 8 to 12 hours. And since we’re talking about using it to sleep, the nightly dose can be higher.


What other effects should we expect from CBD?

CBD can help reduce pain, inflammation, anxiety, improve certain skin conditions and contribute to better sleep. Find out more about benefits of Hemp oil (with CBD) on our Blog.


Nightdrops: The solution for bedtime!

In this article, we looked at the importance of sleep for our well-being and how CBD can be a natural aid in the treatment of insomnia. But for those looking for a more practical and targeted solution for bedtime, we present Nightdrops.


Nightdrops stands out for its formula that combines the best of nature. In its composition, you can find:


  • Hemp oil (helps relieve stress and anxiety);
  • Valerian (natural calming);
  • Lavender (helps with relaxation);
  • Passionflower (contains calming properties).


Together, these ingredients not only help regulate sleep hygiene and sleep better, but also improve the quality of rest. Embrace peaceful nights with the Cannbliss Nightdrops.

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