How to recover after physical exercise

How to Recover After Physical Exercise in Summer: Essential Tips

Summer is a marvellous time to make the most of the outdoors and exercise. However, the high temperatures and prolonged exposure to the sun can require extra care to ensure proper recovery and avoid injury or extreme fatigue. It’s essential to know how to recover effectively after exercising in summer so that you can stay healthy and fit throughout the season. 




1. Hydration: The key to recovery


Hydration is fundamental for recovery after any physical activity, but it becomes even more crucial during the summer. Excessive perspiration can lead to dehydration, which can cause fatigue, muscle cramps and, in extreme cases, heat strokes.  


Hydration tips:  


  • Before exercise: Drink around 500 ml of water at least two hours before you start exercising.  


  • During exercise: Stay hydrated by drinking small sips of water every 15-20 minutes.  


  • After exercise: Replenish lost fluids by drinking water or isotonic drinks that help replenish electrolytes. 




2. Proper nutrition: Nutrition for recovery


Proper nutrition plays a vital role in muscle recovery and energy replenishment. Consuming the right nutrients after exercise can speed up recovery and improve performance in subsequent sessions.  


Post-exercise meals:  


  • Protein: Helps with muscle repair and growth. Include protein sources such as chicken, fish, eggs or pulses in your post-exercise meal.  


  • Carbohydrates: Replenish glycogen levels in the muscles. Opt for complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, sweet potato or quinoa.  


  • Healthy fats: Help recovery and reduce inflammation. Include avocado, nuts and olive oil in your diet. 




3. Stretching and active recovery


Stretching after exercise helps to relax the muscles and prevent stiffness. Active recovery, such as a light walk or bike ride, can promote blood circulation and speed up the recovery process.  


Stretching tips:  


  • Static stretching: Hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds, concentrating on the main muscle groups used during exercise.  


  • Yoga: Practising yoga can help improve flexibility and relax the mind and body. 




4. Rest and quality sleep


Rest is an essential component of recovery. Quality sleep allows the body to repair muscles, replenish energy and prepare for the next workout.  


Tips for restful sleep:  


  • Establish a routine: Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.  


  • Create an ideal sleeping environment: Keep the bedroom cool, dark and quiet.  


  • Avoid stimulants: Avoid caffeine and electronic devices at least an hour before bed. 




5. Massage therapy


Massage therapy can be an excellent way to speed up muscle recovery, relieve pain and reduce tension built up during exercise. It also helps improve blood circulation and flexibility.  


Benefits of massage therapy:  


  • Reduces muscle tension: Relieves tense and sore muscles.  


  • Improves circulation: Promotes blood circulation, helping to remove toxins from the muscles.  


  • Increases flexibility: Keeps muscles and joints more flexible.  


Massage tips:  


  • Professional: Consider booking a session with a qualified massage therapist for a deep massage.  


  • Self-massage: Use a foam roller or massage ball to relieve tension in specific areas. 


Sinais do corpo


6. Pay attention to your body’s signals


Listening to your body is crucial to avoiding injury and promoting effective recovery. If you experience persistent pain, extreme tiredness or other signs of overload, it’s important to give your body the time it needs to rest and recover.  


Warning signs:  


  • Persistent muscle pain: Could indicate an injury or overload.  


  • Excessive fatigue: This can be a sign of dehydration or a lack of nutrients.  


  • General discomfort: Any feeling of discomfort that doesn’t go away with rest should be assessed by a health professional. 


Bálsamo muscular


7. Use of hemp muscle balm


Hemp muscle balm has gained popularity for its potential benefits in post-workout muscle recovery and inflammation reduction. Rich in essential fatty acids and cannabinoids, it can be a valuable addition to your recovery routine.  


Benefits of hemp muscle balm:  


  • Anti-inflammatory: Can help reduce post-exercise muscle inflammation, relieving pain and discomfort.  


  • Muscle relaxation: Promotes muscle relaxation and relieves tension built up during exercise.  


  • Faster recovery: Helps speed up the recovery process, allowing you to return to training more quickly. 


How to apply hemp muscle balm:  


  • After showering: Apply the hemp muscle balm to the affected areas after a hot shower, which will help open up the pores and allow for better absorption of the product.  


  • Gentle massage: Use gentle circular movements to massage the balm into the skin, focussing on the most fatigued or sore muscles.  


  • Regularity: For best results, use the balm regularly after each exercise session, especially on intense training days.  


If you want to find out more about the benefits of hemp muscle balm and how it works, be sure to read our article: CBD Balm for Muscle Pain: How Does It Work? 


Improve your recovery and get the most out of your workouts  


Exercising in summer can be extremely rewarding, but it requires extra care to ensure proper recovery. Staying hydrated, eating properly, stretching, resting, investing in massage therapy and using natural products such as hemp muscle balm are all essential steps for effective recovery. Listening to your body and adjusting your routine as necessary is also key to staying healthy and active throughout the season.  


By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of exercising in summer while taking care of your health and well-being. To boost your recovery even more, try Cannbliss Hemp Muscle Balm and discover how this incredible product can help you stay active and pain-free! 

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